Our Story

In 1928, at just eighteen years old, Maart Valstar, encouraged by his father Fulps Vincentinus Valstar, went to have a look at the auction for the first time. Soon after, he started his own business under the name “Fa. M. Valstar”, what we now know as Valstar.

The Beginning

Hailing from a lineage of market gardeners in Westland, Maart established his presence at the newly established Fruit and Vegetable Auction (Groenten- en Fruitveiling) in Naaldwijk. From there, he expanded his reach, supplying customers across the Netherlands, Germany, and England.


You would think everything went well for Maart.. but nothing could be further from the truth. The inexperienced Maart faced some challenges, such as the economic turmoil of the 1930s and the upheaval of World War II, which tested both his business acumen and personal resilience. His brother Cees joined forces with him, leaving behind their father’s garden to support Maart’s endeavours.


Brothers Cees and Maart managed to achieve several successes. Their trade spanned across Europe, reaching as far as Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland, and Belgium. Though there were occasional setbacks, they both remained steadfast. In the DNA of the Valstar family, resilience runs deep; giving up is simply not an option.

"He came up with a solution that led to the involvement of several companies."

The Next Generations of Valstar

In 1952, the torch passed to the next generation as Maart’s son, Ful, joined the company at fifteen years old. He had always helped out during school holidays With twenty-five years of experience, Maart was the ideal mentor for his son. Together with Cees, he taught Ful all the tricks of the trade. Years later, in 1981, it was time for the third generation to enter the business. Mart, Ful’s eldest son, joined the company.

A New Approach

Mart had a fresh new outlook on Valstar and wanted to do things differently. He took over the reins of export and started looking for new customers abroad. Mart managed to double export sales within a year. In 1988, Mart’s brother Kees joined the company. He went into sales and this too did not go unnoticed. Kees achieved several successes in Poland and the USA, among others. Through smart management and hard work, the company grew rapidly. After many successful years, Kees decided to go for a new career and left the company.

“Every threat is an opportunity”

A statement that came into its own in the late 1990s. Due to a merger of auctions, many trading companies were acquired threatening Valstar’s competitive position. This upheaval rattled the fruit and vegetable sector, but Mart did not sit back. He came up with a solution that led to the involvement of several companies in Valstar Holland. While each company retained its unique expertise, they shared a common focus: cultivation, trading, and logistics. All these companies needed to strengthen one another, that was the goal. In this way, the “Best Fresh Group” .was created in 2008


From Naaldwijk to ‘s-Gravenzande to the Westerlee; over the years, our company has been in many places. 95 years later, Valstar is still located in the Westland, in Poeldijk, one of the largest and most innovative greenhouse clusters in the world.

Embracing the Future

Meanwhile, the fourth generation of Valstar has entered the company. Mart has three daughters, two of whom have joined the company, Maud and Kris. However, this isn’t the sole recent change In order to continually meet the needs of our customers and growers, Valstar became a part of Farmhouse International in 2024. This collaboration brings together expertise and supply, creating a distinctive blend of exotic, local, and organic products. In essence, at Valstar, you can find the total product range.

Where it all started...


"Our expertise and passion for fruit and vegetables has grown over the years and is passed on from generation to generation. Whether you’re a retailer, a wholesaler, or in the foodservice industry, Valstar offers a unique blend of exotic, local, and organic products, "

catering to your every need from A to Z.